An invitation to discover, photograph and share on Instagram, with one or more pictures, over 50 works of architecture that represent the professional career of Giovanni Muzio and, in parallel, the history of the Novecento movement in Milan. Launched to mark the hundredth anniversary of Giovanni Muzio’s graduation from Milan Polytechnic, the #MuzioMilano photographic challenge received over 1,600 pictures in response. The jury, made up of Giovanni Calvenzi, Giovanni Hänninen, Marco Introini and Giovanni Tomaso Muzio, selected 24 winning images, which will be put on show at the exhibition “Ca’ Brütta 1921 – Giovanni Muzio Opera Prima”, from 15 April to 10 July 2016, at the Castello Sforzesco in Milan. All the other images – which can be viewed on Instagram under the hashtag #MuzioMilano – will be projected in a video made in collaboration with Alfio Pozzoni and Livia Pozzoni.
#MuzioMilano is a project conceived and realized by the Muzio Archives and Milan Polytechnic – Department of Architecture, Urban Planning and Structural Engineering, in collaboration with AlumniPolimi Association, Ordine Ordine degli architetti P.P.C. P.P.C. della provincia di Milano, Fondazione dell’Ordine degli architetti P.P.C. della provincia di Milano and Casabella.
Photo IG archslp for #MuzioMilano.